Haiku Showcase
This is not exactly a contest, but if you’ll send us your haiku we may put it up here on this page for everybody to see.Just pick a subject and write three lines about it. Try to get 5 syllables in the first line, 7 in the middle line and 5 in the last line. Don’t worry we aren’t too fussy about the number of syllables! You can also give it a title if you want.
Want some help thinking of a subject? Here are some fun things to write about:
-TV shows you watched when you were little
-Junk food
-Star Wars
-Weird people you know and love
-Being outside after dark
-Things that smell bad!
Just CLICK HERE to submit your haiku. (Remember, you’re giving us permission to post the haiku here on this Website.)
Stinky smell in my nose
It smell like dirty dipers
and dead squirrels.
The time I cleaned the
turtle cage my body
was filled with horror.
A pile of poop and roaches
with coleslaw.
The most descosting thing’s:
cow monuer smells like poop smoothie.
“On finding unusual dung whilst out walking”
Inscrutable poo
Forever enigmatic
No Ziploc at hand
–Steve A.
a rustic outhouse
overpowering aroma
of honeysuckle
——-E. Berry
Dave’s Poop Game thrills me. I’m Flirtin’ with Disaster When the poop goes splat! —Linda B. |
If I loved you more I might need extra fingers. Would you lend me yours? ——M. Hill, Virginia |
A bullfrog is not the notion of a bullfrog. His wet skin itches. ————M. Hill, Virginia |
Title: Our Weird Moms
Our moms drink coffee |
Review the news,
learn the scoop ——Reva, Crickenburg, Va |
A flick of the tongue
soft furry, and brown ———————-Greg C., Kentucky |
I still have that old Raisin. Remember? It stank. But I still like it. —-Cece Bell, Virginia |
A toad in the hole: Link sausage, flapjack, syrup. Glory on my plate. —-Cece Bell, Virginia |